Updating your skincare routine is important

As the winter season approaches, we put away our shorts and sleeveless outfits and get out boots, flannels and jackets. It’s a good time to make sure your skincare routine is up to date. Skin health is affected by the products we use on our skin daily. A quality regimen is so important and doesn’t have to break the bank. Considering all we spend on hair, clothes, nails, etc. shouldn’t the face be a priority? 

Investing in the right medical-grade products is the best way to get the most bang for your buck. Medical-grade skincare contains higher percentages and better-quality ingredients that are needed to achieve results. Using inferior products is a real waste of time and money. If you are going to use products, make them count. 

Adult men and women should use the ABCs of Skincare: Vitamin A (retinol), Broad spectrum sunscreen and Vitamin C. Not all products have to be medical grade, but the only way to get quality in a retinol and vitamin C is in a medical-grade product. 

Here are a few recommendations to transform your skin:

•Vitamin A/Retinol products will turn cells over quicker and help remove top layers of skin cells, revealing new fresh skin. They are the gold standard of anti-aging and also help with acne. It can be difficult to find the right formula for your skin needs. We can help you find one that will work best for your skin. All retinols are NOT created equal! And we have the best that won’t make you peel and flake. 

•Broad Spectrum Sunscreen should be worn every single day of the year to fight against aging and skin cancer. It is said so often that sometimes we don’t hear it anymore: Do not dismiss this step! Without it, your cells are vulnerable to damage from UVA, UVB and IR rays. These rays are out even on gloomy, rainy days. Sunscreen is anti-aging. The number is not as important as wearing it! There are formulas so perfect you will not want to skip them. The right ones can do duty as a moisturizer, primer and even makeup! Sunscreen can lessen acne and rosacea. We like to say sun-care IS skincare. We have one for every lifestyle.

•Vitamin C and other antioxidants shield against harmful environmental factors – indoors and out – such as pollution, blue light and infrared radiation. They neutralize free radicals generated by the aging process, brighten skin and reduce redness. The one we recommend contains the best form of Vitamin C (THD), Vitamin E and 17 additional antioxidants in a hydrating serum that works for ALL skin types. 

Getting yourself and your loved ones on a regular regimen that includes all these things will improve your skin tremendously. Getting your skin primed and prepared before treatments will yield better results and quicker recovery. Speaking of treatments, the fall and winter months are the best time of year to do laser and microneedling treatments.

At Sky Vein & Aesthetics, Shannon is a trained skincare consultant who works with you to put together a regimen that fits your needs or help with gift ideas for your teens, husband or anyone on your gift list. Let her sort through the hype and give you clinically-backed recommendations. For the holidays, we are putting together some great deals on all our products so everyone can start on the path to healthier, more radiant skin. We also have treatment packages that will yield results and restore confidence. Give us a call today at 270-846-1500 and visit our website for more information at www.skyveins.com.

-submitted by Sky Vein & Aesthetics