Sensitive butts, family and technology

I know… you expected me to write some serious column about dealing with the Coronavirus… or dealing with the lock-down… or thanking all the folks who have helped make this horrible mess tolerable… THANK YOU by the way. Yeah… I know… I should have, but sometimes things happen that just scream… “talk about me!” That just happened as I sat at my desk watching the rain.

As I have mentioned in this space before I have a big brother… Max… who lives over around Knoxville, Tenn. Max is married to a wonderful lady, Teri, much too good for him… just like Twila is much too good for me. I guess you could say the Hurst boys have been very blessed in our selection of spouses… though you can’t say much for Teri and Twila’s taste in men.

Having said that, Sis-In-Law evidently has a specific brand and quality of toilet paper she needs to be happy. Now, I can’t throw stones because I, too, live in that glass house. I am often brand loyal for various reasons but I can’t say it is because of my sensitive bottom. Sort of reminds me of those bears in the TP commercial. Anyway, I digress.

A few days ago, somehow it came up in a telephone conversation with Big Bro that Teri had shopped all around their area and the shelves were bare of her specific type of TP. Being married to the queen of all shoppers, I suggested that maybe Twila would have better luck finding it over here since she had shared with me that the local shelves were not as bare as they had been. So, off Twila went to run errands and, sure enough, she found one… just ONE… package of the specified bottom cleansing tool… bought it… 6 mega rolls for a little under ten dollars… and brought it home.

Being the wonderful little brother I am, I went up into the attic, found a slightly too large box… stick with me… the story gets to the technology part in a minute… put the TP in it and filled around it with a ton of big-box-store plastic bags we save for some unknown reason.  We sealed and addressed the box and Twila took it to the local shipping store and off it went to the Knoxville area.

Fast forward to this morning and Twila, sitting at her desk next to me, just started laughing as something played on her phone. Yup… you already guessed it… it was a video of one of Max and Teri’s grandkids helping her open the box and get the TP out. Teri was thrilled with the TP… no comment because I want to continue to live… and the grandkid was having a ball throwing the plastic bags all over the place.

During this crazy time, I have greatly appreciated all the various uses of technology to share all types of professional, entertainment and personal content. However, I have to say this is the absolute best yet… a video “thank you” for special toilet paper shipped from brother to Sister-In-Law a couple of hundred miles away. As Big Bro said… “Happy wife… happy life!” Even in crazy times… ain’t life grand!

by Tim Hurst/SOKY Publisher