Christian Health Center at Village Manor offers Rehab-to-Home Care

Rehab-to-Home Care (RHC) is important for older adults with chronic conditions and complex therapy needs, especially after hospitalization. Returning home after a hospital stay can be comforting, but there is a higher likelihood of returning to the hospital if proper care and precautions are not taken.

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Rehab-to-Home Care (RHC) programs focus on improving care, enhancing patient and family caregiver outcomes and hopefully reducing the need for re-hospitalization. The Christian Health Center at Village Manor in Bowling Green is perfect for those who require ongoing skilled care before returning home. Christian Health Center offers the same in-depth care of a traditional hospital, but in a more comfortable environment while promoting faster healing and regaining of strength to return to daily living activities at home.

The Director at Christian Health Center describes patient healing journeys as inspiring, and enjoys celebrating their successes by sharing some Rehab-to-Home stories: 

• Meet Gloria, an 81-year-old female who had one goal – to do her best so she could get back home. She came to Christian Health Center after recent hospitalization, and required moderate assistance with transfers, walking and dressing. Her hard work and dedication paid off and she only stayed one week. She said, “I was brought here in a wheelchair and now I am going to walk out. The good Lord surrounded me with the best people to help me get better!”

• Frank is a 77-year-old male with a contagious laugh who arrived for therapy because of his high fall risk. Amazingly, with his positive energy it only took three weeks for him to demonstrate his ability to walk safely 300+ feet and perform daily tasks with modified independence. Frank’s improvement in his balance, strength and cardiovascular stamina decreased his fall risk and provided those who care for him at home a sense of ease.

• Meet Glen, a 69-year-old male who knew how to stay focused and with a sense of humor that brightened everyone’s day. He arrived at Christian Health Center requiring moderate assistance with transfers, dressing and bathing. But when it was time to go home, he walked out with modified independence without use of any assistive device, plus the ability to perform daily living tasks on his own.

• Martha leads her day with positive, contagious energy which made her goal that much easier to obtain. She arrived after being hospitalized for decreased mobility and inability to complete her daily living activities. Martha reported increased pain and decreased range of motion with every challenge but kept pushing forward. Her success was possible with determination, drive and focus. Martha was eventually able to walk with her rolling walker 300+ feet and perform her daily living activities. She asked if our program was hiring, telling us, “I would love to keep myself busy with these great people who have worked with me. I feel it is my way of giving back for all they have done for me!”

To learn more, call Christian Health Center at Village Manor at 270-796-6643.

-submitted by Village Manor