Congrats Class of 2020!

Dear Class of 2020,

As I write this, our country is facing one of the largest challenges in our history. Sadly this situation has stolen from you what many would call some of the best times of your life… prom, high school graduation, special experiences with friends and more. But, and this is a very important but, God willing, you have many years to live and make up this loss with new and even better experiences and memories.

In the following pages we at SOKY Happenings wanted to do our part to recognize your accomplishment of studying, learning and graduating along with offering you our best wishes for many blessed and successful years to come. Only history will know if your loss was warranted but as they say, “it is what it is” and it is too late to change it now.

With all that said I would encourage you not to let the loss of these special events and experiences dim the pride in your accomplishment nor the excitement of planning for a bright, enjoyable and successful future. These few months are a tiny part of your life and you have an amazing opportunity in front of you… both personal and professional.

Life is truly for living and I encourage you not to just wander through it but to take advantage of every day, make smart choices, take wise chances and enjoy the blessings that come with a life well lived.
Good luck, Class of 2020, from the entire SOKY Happenings team. May God bless each and every one of you!

Tim Hurst – Class of 1973
SOKY Happenings Magazine