Here at Warren County Gov, people have asked about this Spring’s Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day. Unfortunately, it’s been canceled due to the risks associated with Coronavirus and for safety.
Our second event is expected later this fall.
If you can hold on to these materials until then, that’s great… if not, we have a few suggestions:
•Use cheap cat litter to dry up paint and evaporate liquids and then bag the material and drop it in your trash can.
•Soaps, powdered cleansers and other such items and empty containers can be tossed in the trash, too. Never mix chemicals such as acid or corrosives and oxidizers like bleach.
•Various metals, waste oils and batteries, and refillable compressed gas cylinders also can be accepted by local recyclers for free or for a cash payout.
•Finally old TV sets will be picked up by trash haulers as required by the county. Set these at the curb as bulk waste on your usual collection day. Donate working, small appliances to consignment or thrift shops or give these away before resorting to trash disposal.
To avoid having excess materials in the future, please limit the size of your purchases. Plan on using what you buy as soon as possible.
Again, the Spring Household Hazardous Waste Collection for Bowling Green and Warren County has been canceled but we plan on seeing you this Fall.
And remember, Warren County Still Cares!
-submitted by Stan Reagan